Hintlesham and Chattisham
C of E Primary School
SIAMS Report
Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools Report
“Collective worship and RE are integral to the life of the school. The school’s vision and core Christian values are actively promoted through worship and there is clear evidence of the impact on pupils’ behaviour and positive attitudes to learning.”
“Within the classroom and more informal contexts pupils show high levels of respect for and appreciation of each other, reflecting the Christian vision and values in action. Relationships across the school community are strong. Consequently, behaviour is excellent.”
“ A strong partnership also exists with the local church, with representatives volunteering in classes as well as actively contributing to collective worship. Extracurricular opportunities are enhanced by Bible based after school clubs they run, which are much appreciated by pupils and parents.”
“Staff, whether in leadership, teaching or in a support role, are passionate about their school and its Christian service to all its pupils. As an outworking of the vision they are deeply committed to providing the best for every pupil. Consequently, they work as a close-knit team to ensure all pupils make good progress and to provide effective support for those facing barriers to learning. As a result, standards in pupil workbooks and pupil outcomes are high.”