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The School Day

A general school day, for all children, follows the timetable below. There are days that differ from this, where special days, assemblies, events or workshops may be planned in. 

8:40 - 8:50 School gates open for children to proceed straight to classrooms

8:50 Prompt - School gate closes

8:50 - 8:55 Registration

8:55 Registration closes, Lessons begin

10:30 Assembly

10:45 Morning break

11:00 End of break

11:55 Reception's Lunchtime

12:00 Lunchtime

13:00 Lunchtime ends

14:00 - 14:10 KS1 Afternoon break

KS2 have an active break in their lessons during the afternoon

15:20 Lessons end 

End of school day

(32.5 hours per day from 1/9/24)

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